Конспект урока на тему «Dauble act»

I-Phrases to the text:



3.heaps of-много


5.widening our eyes –расширяя наши глаза

6.pretend coughing fit or sneeze-притворный приступ кашля или чихания



9.Less of the cheek-прекратите безобразничать

10.spooky-странный, пугающий


12.give somebody the creeps-пугать кого либо


14.shrug-пожимать плечами

II- Answer the questions:

1-What is the main idea of the story?

2-What do the twins do to communicate?

3-What surprises Roses about the twins behavior?

4-How does their father react?

5-Are twins very naughty?

III- Say true or false: True False

1-Ruby and Garnet are ten-year-old identical twins.

2-Girles have special habits.

3-They can communicate by sleeping.

4-Rose and father understand it.

5-Rose said “Pack it in”.

6-Dad said “Less of the cheek”

7-Sister said “We raised our eyebrows and made our eyes glitter in general manner”.

IV- Add the sentences:

1-Garnet and I have this ……language.

2-Sometimes we don t use …… at all.

3-She …..it is spooky.

4-Can you really……each other s …….?

5-Rose asked, …… at us.

6-This happened recently one …..we were in the car.

V-Make the phrases:

1-special a — life

2-father s b- mystic manner

3-the same thing c-woman

4-mysterious and d-at the same time

5-new e- girlfriend

6- dad s f-language

VI-Make the words:

rinPeeg, sianmuslulteoy, atcniommuce, irligefrnd, nsatwtig, iinshverg, nshruggig

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