Сценарий сказки на английском языке «The Hen and the Rose»

Исаева Ольга Николаевна

МБОУ СОШ №51 г.Воронеж

учитель иностранного языка

The Hen and the Rose

Звучит «Вальс цветов», появляются девочки в костюмах цветов, среди них одна в костюме розы, они танцуют, затем они замирают, роза останавливается на переднем плане.

Author: There was a beautiful rose in a beautiful garden. Every morning she looked at the sun and

smiled. But one morning the ugly worm crawled to Rose and began to eat its leaves.

(Пока автор произносит эти слова, появляется Солнце, Роза улыбается ему, Солнце уходит, затем появляется червяк.)

The Worm: What a nice Rose! What tasty leaves!

Author: When the sun came out he was surprised to see that his friend looked sad.

(Появляется солнце.)

The Sun: Dear, Rose, why do you look so sad?

Rose: Oh dear! I am so unhappy because an ugly worm is eating my leaves and will not go away.

The Worm: Yummy! Yummy!

The Sun: I will not shine until Rose is happy.

(Солнце прячется за облако.)

The Wind (появляясь): Father Sun, why are you not shining today?

The Sun: Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and he will not go away. I will not shine

until Rose is happy.

Author: And the Wind stopped blowing. A Bird was surprised when the wind stopped blowing.

(Прилетает птичка.)

The Bird: Mr Wind, why have you stopped blowing?

The Wind: Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves. So Father Sun will not shine and I will

not blow until Rose is happy.

The Bird: I also love Rose. I will not sing again until Rose is happy.

Author: The Bird met a Hen.

(Выходит курочка.)

The Hen: Why do you look so sad? Why aren’t you singing?

The Bird: Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves so Father Sun will not shine, Mr Wind

will not blow and I will not sing again until Rose is happy.

The Hen: Really! Please tell me how this will help Rose? If you want to help Rose you must do something

for her. Come with me.

(Птичка и курочка подходят к розе. Курочка находит червяка и съедает его.)

Свежие документы:  Сценарий вечера "Даль и фольклор"

The Hen: See how I have helped Rose and at the same time had a delicious breakfast.

Rose (оживая и улыбаясь): Thank you.

Все исполняют заключительную песню на мотив песни «Дорогою добра» из мультфильма «Маленький Мук».

The Sun is shining brightly,

The Rose is smiling smartly,

The singing birds are flying over

growing greeny trees.

And they are friends forever,

They spend all time together,

They help each other every day

and never put in trouble.

Но если с другом худо, не уповай на чудо.

Спеши к нему, всегда иди дорогою добра.

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