Сценарий выступления с композицией «Легенды Мексики»

Сценарий выступления с композицией

«Легенды Мексики»

(англ. яз.).

Действующие лица: 1. Мексиканец (возможно, старец)

2. Монахиня (возможно, сняв сценический костюм, молодая девушка типа Мексиканки)

3. Нож ацтеков (рукоятка — орлиная голова)

4. Серебро

5. Свеча

6. Кактус

7. Женщина-Радуга по имени Иш-Гель (национальный персонаж Мексики)

8. Кувшин из тыквы (может быть любое национальное изделие из тыквы, зависит, кто играет Вашего героя, мальчик или девочка, см. изделия из тыквы в Мексике)

9.Танцор в национальном костюме

10.Танцовщица в национальном костюме

Выбор музыки – 1. для песни из к.ф. « Отчаянный»

2.для танца «Ля бамба»

3.Заставка из «Рабыня Изаура»

Сценарий, стихи, песня — Тынянская Ксения Владимировна

Показ слайдов.

Выход монахини. Поет мелодию из к.ф. «Рабыня Изаура».

Голос за сценой — речитатив:

Ты можешь объехать за несколько лет

Испанию и Византию, весь свет.

Кого б ты ни встретил пусть даже на миг ,

Счастливее всех босоногий старик…

Старец ( выходя на сцену под речитатив)

Does any folk in the world depend on its own life in the past which may not be true…

Why do you all believe so many unreal legends and sayings that still admire you…

My folk is not an exclusion. My people came from The Maya with all their desire to found Mexico, a mysterious land full of myth about strong people…

Появляется монахиня с сосудом ( чашей в руке).


My old man, senior, a cup of tasty agave drink will get you strength and good mood. Take it and enjoy this national Mexican drink which is traditionally made by us, nunnery (собир. «монахини»). We call it «rompope». Try it…


Oh. I feel well enough to refresh my memories about old times of Mexico, tales and legends that reach us nowadays do not leave our mind.

But I need my helpers…




Иш –Гель (женщина-радуга, богиня любви у Майя)



Все герои

Yes, Master, you have called us and we arrived at once…


The life of old Mexican people seems to be so mysterious that people are still trying to guess the meaning of some events.


So Kosumel, the island full of myth

The Spanish came to it like bees without peace

They brought to Mexico a very awful gift

A terrible disease, smallpox appeared


The Spanish thought their children

Would be born there

But many islands were in fire

Do you know where?


The smallpox ate the people and the land

Some islands died but it was not the end

The nature helped the people to revive

Old culture asked them all to live and to survive


The Aztec ethnic group was full of danger

Their victims numbers suffering cant be measured

They cut them hearts and put them to the sun

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You wont believe how much harm by Aztecs done


Another fact is about Maya people

Their kings and queens were from the Gods in cripple

And cut themselves and stayed without eating

Hallucinations got of these Gods meeting


One of the Maya goddess was Ish-Gel

Her home was on the island Kosumel

Since then the people come to Kosumel

To get their love and children from Ish-Gel


My name is known among people as rainbow

My soul belongs to medicine and moon

A lot of tourists visit me and follow

And then believe their wishes come true soon

Old man

My friends, you started so bravely but did not tell why you all are chosen to present Estados Unidos Mexicanos. You are from different parts of Mexico, from various islands and cities. According to legends you all are in honor for some reasons. You, light silver

You, bright candle

Sharp knife

Tasty cactus

Rainbow-Ish Gel

You, funny Pumpkin jug. Introduce yourselves.


Mexican nature is so rich in cactuses everywhere so people honor 1000 kinds of these plants even cook, eat and drink them(Поворачивается спинойнадпись «Future tequila»)


I came from a legendary Aztec culture. My hilt is an eagle head. I am one of the sharpest knifes of the world. Pagans used such knifes to kill people and took out their hearts to please Gods in old times.


Oh, I am not so cruel, knife, I am found everywhere in Mexico, on each island. This land is the richest in the world in silver and the best jewelry has still been made from silver.


And I am legendary for my grace and fantasy. The Mexican prepare various kinds of fruit and put some wax inside. The smell becomes so delicious that candles seem to be a national gift nowadays.


You will certainly wonder but my homeland is Mexico. People used to eat pumpkins but also they make various jugs, cups, vases and cover them with some special stuff. Since old times it has become a kind of national art there.

Old man

And you, nanny, why are you so unhappy? Why do not you try this wonderful drink by yourself, not to be sad?


Oh, senior, we usually prepare tasty drinks from cactuses and agave in our convent, but are not allowed to drink them.

Ish Gel

Nanny, you would better sing your best song for us and people will enjoy legendary culture and history of Mexico

Исполняется песня ( песня из кинофильма «Отчаянный» на англ. и исп. яз.)


If you cant do without wonders

You go to Mexico at once

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And you try to find Bonders

Who will sing this song for us

If you want to know a legend

About the Aztec s or Maya s life

Sayings take you like a magnet

You agree without strife


Au, au mi amOr

Au mi mor Ena

De mi coraz On

Me gusta tocar guit Arra

Me guesta cantar els On

El mariachi me acomp Ana

Qundo canto my cansi On

Me gustan tomar mis c Opas

A guardiente es lo mej Or mexor

Tambien la teguilla blanca

Con su sal le da sabor


I was young and very pretty

And I gave him my best years

To a man who is now guilty

Of my endless loneliness

And I pray for him in convent

Now wishing too much health

He has left me in the moonlight

And I keep unhappiness


Old man

And now I want you to answer… Is it a legend that Maya people got their knowledge from the Gods?


Nobody knows

Old man

Is not it a legend that great monuments and pyramids of Mexico were build by the Gods, not by people?


Nobody knows

Old man

Who could make the hugest pyramid of the world in Cholula, Gods or people?


No answer

Ish Gel

Who can give an answer if there was a civilization before Maya, which could be compared only with the most modern one


No one can

Ish Gel

Is not it a legend there is a real pearl in jungle of Mexico – Palenke town, which was created by Maya people on fragments of an earlier well developed unknown civilization?


Yes, it is a legend, but may be not…


It is really not a legend that the Mexican have cactuses without barbs in Indian language called «Пейотль». In old times they were used to treat ill people like medicine, but the doctor or shaman had to take such a medicine together with his patient.


Do you know the place where Gods were born? It is an ancient town Teotiokan. It may be not a legend that the first creatures to build the town were not the Indians and the Aztec, they have not just had such instruments in old times to make those buildings and pyramids.


What was this nation or civilization? Still stays unknown… But a real legend we have in Mexico is the most wonderful bird in the world called Ketzal-a symbol of freedom. They live only free. If you put this bird into a cage, people of Mexico believe, its heart will be certainly broken into pieces. The Aztec did not kill Ketzals. They were sure birds came from the God of air and it is a legend.

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It is not a myth there is a world famous museum of underwater sculptures on the sea bottom in Kankun-town. It was planned to save the environment of the sea itself in such a way that statues would be a platform for growing corals, fish and sea animals.


Just look! What a real wonder! Millions of king butterflies are coming to Mexico from all cold countries. It is not a legend they come to spend their winter in the most mysterious country of the world.

Old man

Look and enjoy our dancers in Mexican dance and follow the girls skirt as it were some butterflies wings going somewhere into the past

Исполняется мексиканский танец на мексиканскую мелодию «Ля Бамба». Танцует пара.

Вводится немецкий язык (фестиваль многоязычный).


Was kann man uber die Spanier sagen? Die Spanier sahen die Opferrituale, die Religion und sogar die ganze Kultur der Azteken als Werk des Teufels.


And it is not a legend…


Charles Mann macht in seinem Buch den Leser darauf aufmerksam, dass die ganze Geschichte selbst von den Siegern-also von Konquistadoren-geschrieben wurde, welche jegliches Interesse hatten, die aztekishe Kultur in schlechtem Licht erscheinen zu lassen, was an den archaologischen Befundenallerdings nichts andert.


Die Religion der Azteken beruhte auf der Religion der Tolteken. Hauptgott war Huitzilopochtli, der Gott der Sonne und des Krieges. Ein anderer besonders verehrter Gott war Quetzalcoatl. Neben ihm gab es auch einige Gotter unterschiedlicher Wichtigkeit, z.B. den Regengott Tlaloc.

Old man

My friends stop now and watch the holy volcano Popocatepel is waking up from its long sleeping.

Все опускаются на колени (на экране продолжается показ слайдов, соответствует словам постановки)

Ish Gel

Oh, senior, ask the volcano not to be strong and aggressive, so it could still be called a real hyperactive legend of Mexico.

All students

My lovely land that still is full of wonders,

Of myth and sayings, many legends, wonders,

We are afraid the truth will never come

To visit Mexicans in their future time.

So many doubts, mysteries and riddles

The Aztec, Maya people brought to those lands.

Their Gods, their offers and their immense creatures

The biggest pyramids, lost towns still have features.

Unknown lands and stories of old times

The Mexican still keep inside their minds.

Herman Cortes, his Spanish expedition

Finally caused the fall of Aztecs vision,

In the 16th so Mexico was led

To Spanish culture by Cortes without bet.

We found wonders, they are everywhere,

In nature, culture, history are there.

We were invited to a legend, to a myth,

And Mexico is proud of all these!

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