МБОУ СОШ №12 г. Пензы им. В.В. Тарасова
План-конспект итогового урока в 5 классе
по теме: «Здравствуйте! Рады видеть Вас снова»
(цикл 1)
по УМК «Английский с удовольствием»
авторы: М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н, Трубанёва.
Учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
Печененко Т.В.
Пенза, 2013
Цели урока:
Познавательный аспект – расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся, увеличение объёма знаний о стране изучаемого языка по теме: «Школьная жизнь»
Развивающий аспект – развитие языковой догадки, развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, способности их излагать
Учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений
Коммуникативные задачи:
активизировать изученные лексические единицы по теме «Школа»;
развивать умение чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного;
развивать умение говорения – учить рассказывать о своем друге по переписке на основе прочитанного письма;
развивать умение аудирования с извлечением нужной информации;
учить работать в микрогруппах;
стимулировать желание детей общаться на английском языке.
Оснащение: компьютер, проектор, экран, магнитофон, кассета, раздаточный материал для парной и индивидуальной работы.
Начало урока. Приветствие. Постановка цели.
Речевая подготовка в режиме T P1 P2 P3 и т.д.
Активизация ЛЕ по теме: «Школа»
Развитие умения чтения с полным понимание прочитанного (на основе текстов писем британским школьникам)
Развитие умения говорения по теме: «Мой друг по переписке» на основе прочитанного письма
Развитие умения аудирования с извлечением нужной информации на основе текста письма Б. Грей
Развитие умения говорения по теме: «Школа». Обучение учебному сотрудничеству в микрогруппах.
Рефлексия. Подведение итогов. Оценка учениками урока. Оценивание работы учащихся учителем. Задание на дом.
Ход урока.
Начало урока. Приветствие. Постановка цели.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you! I hope you are fine today.
Look at the screen and choose a picture about yourself. How are you?
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, выбирая картинку со слайда.
Thank you. It`s really great! What do you think about the weather? Look through the window and describe the weather, please.
Ученики описывают погоду.
What would you like to do in such weather?
As for me, I would like to …
На доске: As for me, I`d like to …
We should …
Ученики заканчивают предложения, высказывая свои мнения о любимых занятиях.
Thank you for your ideas. But what should we do at school?
Учащиеся заканчивают предложение о том, что они должны делать в школе.
Yes, you are quite right. We should study. Today we are going to continue our talk about school life in Russia and in Britain. By the way, do you like our school? Why?
Учащиеся высказывают свои мнения о нашей школе.
II. Речевая подготовка.
Children, we have read and spoken much about Barbara Grey and her students. Let`s recall what we know about them.
Вопросы составлены по упражнениям цикла 1.
What subject does Barbara Grey teach?
Where is she from?
Where did she work last year?
Did she enjoy living in Russia?
Who did she teach?
Where does she live and work now?
Who are her pupils now?
Thank you. I see you know a lot about Barbara Grey and her students.
III. Активизация ЛЕ по теме: «Школьная жизнь»
(Слышен стук в дверь).
Teacher ( удивленно): Who can it be?
Входит почтальон (ученик старшего класса).
Postman: I`ve brought a parcel for you. Before opening it, do a crossword puzzle and guess what helps people to live.
Teacher: Children, take a card and do a crossword puzzle. Work with your partner. You`ve got only 3 min.
Ученики в парах разгадывают кроссворд. Звучит тихая музыка.
1.Pupils like to get … at the lessons.
2.At the English lesson pupils … texts and translate them into Russian.
3.Literature is an … subject.
4.At school we study one foreign language ….
5.Children often give … to their teachers and classmates.
6. At the lesson pupils sit at the … .
7. Pupils … a lot of subjects at school.
8. Vera Ivanovna is our … teacher.
9. At … Technology students learn how to use computers.
10. Pupils enjoy a school … .
Teacher: Your time is up. Let`s check what you have. Look at the screen and check the spelling of the words.
r | i | e | n | d | s | h | i | p | |
i | e | n | n | i | e | t | i | n | a |
v | a | t | g | c | s | u | s | f | r |
e | d | e | l | k | k | d | t | o | t |
| r | i | n |
| y | o | r | y |
| e | s | a |
| r | m |
| s | h | m |
| y | a |
| t |
| e |
| t |
| i |
| s |
| i |
| n |
| o |
| g |
| n |
Teacher: Friendship is very important for people.
Postman: I see you know English well. Now you can open the parcel.
IV. Развитие умения чтения с полным пониманием содержания на основе писем.
Teacher (открывая посылку): Oh, there are a lot of letters from British children. I think they are for you. And this letter is for me, it`s from Barbara. Read the letters and tell us about your new pen-friends. You`ve got 1 min. If you have any questions you are welcome to ask me.
Звучит тихая музыка. Учащиеся читают письма про себя. Письма составлены на основе изученных лексических единиц и грамматических структур, с учетом интересов школьников 10-11 лет. В каждом письме есть какая-то информация, общая с некоторыми другими письмами (см. приложение).
V. Развитие умения говорения по теме: «Мой друг по переписке»
Teacher: I hope everybody has enjoyed the letters. At home write the answer to your new pen-friend. Now tell us about him or her. Look at the blackboard. Don`t forget to change.
На доске: I – he/she
My – his/her
We – they
Am – is
Have – has
Don`t – doesn`t
Like/live/play … — likes/lives/plays …
Учащиеся рассказывают о своих друзьях по переписке, трансформируя текст письма. После каждого рассказа учитель задает вопрос: What is the same about your pen—friend?
Домашним заданием является ответ на письмо.
VI. Развитие умения аудирования с извлечением нужной информации.
Teacher: I also want to read Barbara`s letter. Listen to it and write down what Barbara wants us to tell her about (при затруднении понимания задания можно перевести его на русский язык). Учитель читает письмо. Учащиеся слушают и записывают вопросы Барбары.
Dear friends,
I`m sure you know me from the textbook «Enjoy English». I taught English in Russia last year. Now I live and work in London. But I want to learn about Russian schools and pupils as much as possible.
As you know, in my class there are 20 British boys and girls. They are happy and a bit lazy. Tell me please about your class. How many boys and girls are there in your class? What subjects do you study? Have you got any rules for teachers and pupils? British pupils have Christmas holidays, Easter and Summer holidays. Write about your holidays and where you usually spend them.
P.S. Our Head Teacher Mr. Wooding is going to invite you to Britain.
Примерные ответы учеников: Barbara wants to learn about our timetable and our subjects. She asks us about our class, school rules and holidays.
VII. Развитие умения говорения по теме «Школа». Обучение учебному сотрудничеству в микрогруппах. Контроль домашнего задания.
Teacher: I`ve got an idea. Let`s send a video letter to Barbara, using the Internet. At home you have prepared stories about our school life. Work in groups, revise your stories and be ready to present your projects to your classmates, Barbara Grey and her students.
Учащиеся разделены на микрогруппы. В составе данных групп ребята работают на протяжении нескольких уроков. Ребята обсуждают в группах свои темы и делают сообщения по ним. Остальные делают пометки, добавляют, если нужно. Учитель записывает допущенные ошибки с целью их отработки на следующем уроке. Teacher: Thank you for your stories. I`m sure Barbara and her students will enjoy our video letter very much.
VIII. Рефлексия. Оценка учениками урока. Оценивание работы учащихся учителем.
Teacher: Our lesson is over. What do you think about it? Look at the screen and make up a sentence.
Ученики составляют предложения, используя опору на слайде.
Teacher: Your marks are … Don`t forget about your homework: a letter to your new friend.
Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!
В заключение хочется еще раз подчеркнуть, что работая по УМК «Enjoy English» учитель добивается решения задачи формирования коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, а ребятам учиться по этим учебникам познавательно, весело, интересно.
Dear friend,
I`m Kevin Claydon. I`m 11. I live with my parents and my sister Ann. She is older than me. She is 15. I don`t like studying. I enjoy playing football and basketball. My favourite school subject is Physical Education. I like to run and jump.
I have a pet. It is a parrot. It can talk. It says “Hello, friends”.
Do you have any brother or sisters?
With best wishes,
Dear friend,
I`m Helen Smith. I`m 12. I have a mother, a sister and a grandmother. My sister is 5. Her name is Sally. She likes playing with her cat Pussy. Pussy is white and grey.
I like studying. My favourite subjects are English, French, Drama and Art. My hobby is drawing. We wear a uniform. Its colours are blue and grey.
Do you wear a school uniform?
Write me soon,
Dear friend,
My name is Victor. My surname is Smith. I`m 10. I live with my family in London. I haven`t got any brothers and sisters. I like studying Information Technology. I enjoy playing computer games. We wear a school uniform. It`s OK.
I have a dog Rex. We often play together in the garden.
Do you have any pets? What`s your favourite subject?
Please, write me soon.
Best wishes from,
Dear friend,
My name is Mark. My surname is Green. I`m 10. I`m from London. My teacher is Barbara Grey. She teaches us English. I study two foreign languages: French and Russian. My favourite subject is P.E. I play for the school basketball team.
I have a younger brother. His name is Victor. Victor is 7. We often play computer games together.
Do you like playing computer games? What`s your favourite subject at school? Your friend,
Dear friend,
My name is Nancy. My surname is Blake. I`m 11 years old. I live with my mother and father. I have a younger brother. His name is Eric. I have a lot of new subjects at school this year. My favourite subjects are Science and Art. I study one foreign language: French. We wear a school uniform. But I don`t like it.
I have a pet. It is a dog. Its name is Rex. Rex is funny. I enjoy playing with Rex.
What`s your name? What are your favourite school subjects? Do you wear a school uniform?
With best wishes,
Dear friend,
I`m Ann. My surname is White. I study at school in London. I have a lot of new subjects this year. My favourite subject is Science. I study one foreign language: French.
I like playing basketball with my friends.
I have a sister. Her name is Susan. Susan is 8. She is a pupil too. She doesn`t like studying.
I have a goldfish.
What`s your name? How old are you?
With best wishes,
Dear friend,
I`m Nancy Frost. I`m 10. I live in London. I have a brother. He is 15. His name is Victor.
We wear a school uniform. But I don`t like to wear a uniform at school. My teacher is Barbara Grey. I like her very much. My favourite subject is English. What do you do at your English lessons?
I have a dog. Its name is Spot. We often play together. Do you have any pets?
Write me soon,
Dear friend,
My name is Helen. My surname is Gordon. I`m 10. I`m a pupil. My favourite subjects are French, English and Drama. We usually sing and dance at Drama lessons. Do you have Drama in your school?
I like dancing and singing. I have a parrot. It is green and yellow.
I haven`t got any brothers and sisters. I live with my mother and father.
Your friend,
Dear friend,
I`m Frank Frield. I`m 11. I live with my parents and my brother Danny. Danny is 16.
We wear a school uniform. It`s OK. Do you wear a uniform?
I enjoy playing football. I play for the school football team.
My favourite subjects are Physical Education and Maths.
I haven`t got any pets. And you? What`s your favourite school subject? Do you like playing football?
With best wishes,
Dear friend,
My name is Diana. My surname is Mason. I study at school in London. I study two foreign languages: French and Russian. My favourite subjects are English and French. I like dancing.
I live with my mother, father, sister Helen and brother Eric. Helen is 13. Eric is 5. We like to go on a picnic together.
We have a dog Max and a cat Rose.
Write me about yourself,
Dear friend,
My name is Tom. My surname is Greffon. I`m 12. I`m a pupil. But I don`t like studying. I enjoy playing computer games. My favourite subject is I.T. We wear a school uniform.
My friends and I play for the school basketball team. Do you like playing basketball?
I have a dog and a goldfish. Do you have any pets?
I have two sisters: Lisa and Carol. Lisa is 15. Carol is 13. We like to play together.
Your friend,
Dear friend,
My name is Mike. My surname is Tatcher. I`m 10. I live in London. I have a mother, a father and a brother Gary. Gary is older than me. He is 15. We are great friends. We like playing football and watching TV together.
My favourite subjects are Physical Education, Maths and History. I don`t like studying English and French.
I haven`t got any pets. What`s your favourite school subject? Do you like studying? Please, write me,
Dear friend,
I`m Dorothy Mikles. I`m from London. I study at school. I like studying very much. My favourite subjects are English, Histiry and Art. I enjoy drawing. What is your hobby?
I live with my mother, my grandmother and my grandfather. I haven`t got any brothers and sisters. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have a mouse. Its name is Snoopy. It is small and white.
Do you like mice?
Your friend,
Dear friend,
My name is Mary. My surname is Burns. I`m 12. I live in London with my family. My family is big. I have a mother, a father, two brothers: Oliver and Peter and a sister Brenda. We often go on a picnic together. We have 2 dogs and one cat.
I don`t like studying. I like singing and dancing. My favourite school subject is Drama. We wear a school uniform. I like it.
Write me soon.
Your friend,