Конспект урока на тему «New Facts from the History of London Zoo»

Тема: New Facts from the History of London Zoo

Цель: знакомство учащихся с новыми и интересными фактами Лондонского Зоопарка

Задачи: 1. тренировать навыки изучающего чтения

2. актуализировать знания лексических навыков учащихся по теме «Животные в нашей жизни»

3. совершенствовать навыки устной речи и письма

Формирование УУД:

Личностные: 1. развитие у учащихся гуманного отношения к животным

Метапредметные: 2. поиск и выделение нужной информации и ее фиксация

Предметные: 3. чтение аутентичного текста с извлечением необходимой информации

Дополнительные материалы и оборудование: карточки, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, экран

Ход урока:

  1. Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning, Nadezhda Alexandrovna!)

I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please!

Today at the lesson we’ll find out some new facts from the history of London Zoo. (слайд 1)At the lesson we’ll work with the text and fill in the cards with your answers.

But at first let’s revise the words and their sounds.

  1. Let’s read the words after me all together. (слайд 2)

  • Catch, activities, habit, animal

  • Save, endangered, nature, cage, baby

  • World, first, thirteenth, work

  • Watchdog, project, exotic, long

  • London, Buckingham, hundred, come

  • Wild, life, like, five, arrived

  1. And now match the sounds and the words. (using cards)

  2. And now let’s read and translate the words one by one.

  3. All of you were at the zoo. Answer my questions, please. (слайд 3)

  • What kind of animals can you see in the Zoo?

  • Can visitors of the Zoo see animals at feeding time?

  • What species of endangered animals can you name?

  • Where is London Zoo?

  1. It’s time to read the text about London Zoo. (слайд 4) Open your textbooks at page 106-107, exercise 10.

  2. Read the text by yourself and try to find out the English equivalents of these words and phrases and write them down into the cards on your desks. (слайд 5)

  • В 13 веке

  • Экзотические животные

  • Подарил

  • Получила в подарок

  • Были перевезены

  • Любопытные люди

  • Одна самка

  • Подарила жизнь

  1. Now let’s check your answers. You have to mark your “True” and “False” answers using “smiles”. (слайд 6)

  • In the thirteenth century

  • Exotic animals

  • Presented

  • Was given

  • Were moved

  • Curious people

  • One female

  • Gave a birth

  1. Can you answer these questions? (слайд 7)

  • When did exotic animals appeared in Great Britain for the first time?

  • Where is the Zoo now?

  1. The next task is to mark these statements “True” or “False”. (слайд 8) Do it by yourself, please.

  • Exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the 13th century.

  • King Henry III received a gift of tigers and lions.

  • The animals lived in the Tower of London in special place.

  • Later the King of Norway presented Henry III with a polar fox.

  • Queen Charlotte was given the first elephant to come to Britain.

  • Giraffes arrived in 1839 at Regent’s Park.

  1. Let’s check your answers using “smiles”.

  2. The last task is to fill the table using the information from the text. (слайд 9)

Leopards and elephants

A polar bear

The first zebra


  1. Let’s check your answers using smiles. (слайд 9)

Leopards and elephants

A polar bear

The first zebra


Kong Henry III received a gift of leopards and elephants in the 13th century.

The king of Norway presented Henry III with…

The bear liked to go fishing…

500 years later, Queen Charlotte was given …

She kept it near Buckingham Palace.

Giraffes arrived in 1839.

They were moved to Regent’s Park.

One of female gave birth to 6 babies.

  • В 13 веке

  • Экзотические животные

  • Подарил

  • Получила в подарок

  • Были перевезены

  • Любопытные люди

  • Одна самка

  • Подарила жизнь

  • Exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the 13th century.

  • King Henry III received a gift of tigers and lions.

  • The animals lived in the Tower of London in special place.

  • Later the King of Norway presented Henry III with a polar fox.

  • Queen Charlotte was given the first elephant to come to Britain.

  • Giraffes arrived in 1839 at Regent’s Park.

Leopards and elephants

A polar bear

The first zebra


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