Тест для 6 класса

6th form Unit 6 Test 1.

  1. Choose the right word for each sentence:

    1. The students have …. studied the new rules.

  1. yet B. last month C. already D. now

    1. Did you do the test well …… ?

  1. yesterday B. usually C. already D. recently

    1. Scientists have described about 1mln different animals …… .

  1. just B. never C. so far D. last year

    1. Have you fed your pet … ?

  1. last month B. yet C. never D. often

    1. We discussed a very interesting project…… .

  1. lately B. at the last lesson C. never D. often

  1. Use the verb in brackets in either Past Simple or Present Perfect:

    1. Hi, mum! Let’s make an apple pie today!

A good idea! But I’m afraid we have no eggs and apples at home.

Oh, I (1)…. (to buy) already everything: eggs, butter, milk!

How clever of you! When (2)……you ….(to go)shopping?

I (3) (to go) there right after school.

  1. (4) …. Nick and Mike …. (to phone) you recently?

No, they (5) …. . I think they (6) …….. (not to come) from holidays yet.

I see. (7) …… they …… (to leave) two weeks ago ?

No, they only (8) ….. (to leave) last Tuesday.

6th form Unit 6 Test 2.

  1. Choose the right word for each sentence:

    1. My family arranged a fancy dress party ……

  1. yet B. last night C. already D. lately

    1. Have they decorated the hall …… ?

  1. yesterday B. usually C. already D. yet

    1. Wilderness Parks have …….saved a lot of endangered animals.

  1. just B. never C. already D. last year

    1. I have … heard about this organization before.

  1. last month B. yet C. never D. often

    1. It’s the nicest cake we’ve …… eaten.

  1. lately B. ever C. never D. often

  1. Use the verb in brackets in either Past Simple or Present Perfect:

    1. Dad, (1)…… you ever ….. (to play) the guitar?

Well, in fact, yes, I (2)…. . I (3)….. (to learn) to play it when I was at college.

Really? But I (4)…. never (to hear) you playing!

You see, I last (5)……( to take) a guitar in my hands about ten years ago.

  1. Ann, (6) …. you …. (to do) your homework yet?

No, I (7) …. . I only (8) …….. ( to write) my exercise in English so far.

It’s bad. What other subjects do you have to do?

Maths and Biology. But I (9) ….. (to draw) my picture in Arts last Monday.

Свежие документы:  Урок английского языка в 7 классе "Расказываем об англо-говорящих странах и о России"

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