Внутришкольный контроль. Проверочная работа по английскому языку «Настоящее длительное время»

Created by KEV

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Лицей города Троицка»

Внутришкольный контроль.

Проверочная работа по английскому языку

«Настоящее длительное время»

5 класс


Камелавкина Елена Викторовна,

учитель английского языка

МАОУ «Лицей города Троицка»

г. Троицк


Цель работы: систематизация знаний учащихся по теме «Настоящее длительное время» и определение уровня владения учащимися данного грамматического материала.


  1. Обучающая: развитие навыков детального чтения , умения строить вопросительные и отрицательные предложения, формирование навыков самостоятельной работы.

  2. Развивающая: речемыслительная деятельность, умение анализировать.

Test. The Present Progressive.

The 1st variant.

1. Open the brackets.

  1. Kate (to watch) TV now.

  2. Dick (to come) home now.

  3. She (not to have) supper now.

  4. We (not to play) with our toys now.

  5. You (not to go) to school now.

  6. We (to go) shopping now.

  7. Mary (not to take) a shower now.

  8. John (to water) the flowers at the moment.

  9. I (not to do) homework.

  10. They (to run) in the street now.

2. Fill in AM, IS or ARE.

  1. you going to the opera now?

  2. my kittens sleeping now?

  3. the girls playing now?

  4. their parents going to Paris now?

  5. they walking in the park now?

  6. she driving a car?

  7. Alice speaking German now?

  8. Timur dancing tango now?

  9. we writing a test now?

  10. they selling fruit?

3. Make up sentences from the words.

  1. Am, now, playing, I, the guitar.

  2. Is, now, rising, the sun.

  3. Now, is, dancing, he.

  4. A child, sleeping, in the bedroom, now, is.

  5. Shining, now, the sun, is.

  6. Are, the dogs, now, in the yard, barking.

  7. Is, now, Alice, the piano, playing.

4. Write as in the example.

E.g.: He is playing in the yard – Is he playing in the yard? – He isn’t playing in the yard.

  1. They are jumping on the table.

  2. He is cleaning his teeth.

  3. Jane is watering the flowers.

  4. Den is sleeping in his armchair.

  5. Olga is shouting.

Test. The Present Simple.

The 2nd variant.

1. Open the brackets.

  1. Andy (not to go) to school now.

  2. I (to have) dinner now.

  3. Lolly (to wake up) now.

  4. His uncle (to make) the bed now.

  5. Carl (not to do) his homework.

  6. You (not to watch) TV now.

  7. Fred (to dress) now.

  8. Olga (to play) the guitar now.

  9. David (not to look) at her at the moment.

  10. We (to jump) on the table

2. Fill in AM, IS or ARE.

  1. Nick singing a song about birds now?

  2. John and Den writing a test now?

  3. your father cleaning the car?

  4. Artyom having lunch now?

  5. Kristina and Nastya crying now?

  6. they dancing now?

  7. he jumping now?

  8. Jane cleaning the carpet?

  9. we washing up?

  10. I going to school now?

3. Make up sentences from the words.

  1. Are, drinking, now, they, juice.

  2. Now, Dave and Nan, in the forest, walking, are.

  3. A snowman, making, the children, are, now.

  4. Fishing, Tom, now, is.

  5. Buying, now, a new dress, we, are.

  6. The floor, now, washing, Margaret, is.

  7. Am, a watermelon, now, I, eating.

4. Write as in the example.

E.g.: He is playing in the yard – Is he playing in the yard? – He isn’t playing in the yard.

  1. Khristina is singing.

  2. Artyom is running in the classroom.

  3. Alice is singing a song.

  4. Nastya is having lunch.

  5. Mary is dancing on the floor.


The 1st variant.

The 2nd variant

Task 1.

  1. is watching

  2. is coming

  3. isn’t (is not) having

  4. aren’t (are not) playing

  5. aren’t (are not) going

  6. are going

  7. is not taking

  8. is watering

  9. aren’t doing

  10. are running

  1. isn’t (is not) going

  2. am having

  3. is waking up

  4. is making

  5. isn’t doing

  6. aren’t watching

  7. is dressing

  8. is playing

  9. isn’t looking

  10. are jumping

Task 2.

  1. are

  2. are

  3. are

  4. are

  5. are

  6. is

  7. is

  8. is

  9. are

  10. are

  1. is

  2. are

  3. is

  4. is

  5. are

  6. are

  7. is

  8. is

  9. are

  10. am

Task 3.

  1. I am not playing the guitar now.

  2. The sun is rising now.

  3. He is dancing now.

  4. The child is sleeping in the bedroom now.

  5. The sun is shining now.

  6. The dogs are barking in the yard now.

  7. Alice is playing the piano now.

  1. They are drinking juice now.

  2. Dave and Nan are walking in the forest now.

  3. The children are making a snowman now.

  4. Tom is fishing now.

  5. We are buying a new dress now.

  6. Margaret is washing the floor now.

  7. I am eating a watermelon now.

Task 4.

  1. Are they jumping on the table? – They aren’t jumping on the table.

  2. Is he cleaning his teeth? – He isn’t cleaning his teeth.

  3. Is she watering the flowers? – She isn’t watering the flowers.

  4. Is he sleeping in his armchair? – He isn’t sleeping in his armchair.

  5. Is she shouting? – She isn’t shouting.

  1. Is she singing? – She isn’t singing.

  2. Is he running in the classroom? – He isn’t running in the classroom.

  3. Is she singing a song? – She isn’t singing a song.

  4. Is she having lunch? – She isn’t having lunch.

  5. Is she dancing on the floor? – She isn’t dancing on the floor.

Использованные материалы:

    1. Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык 4 класс (ч.1) – Учебник для 4 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка – М.: Просвещение, 2008

    2. Гацкевич М.А. Грамматика английского языка для школьников: Сборник упражнений. Книга 1. – СПб.: КАРО, 2003.

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