Конспект урока на тему «CANADA IN BRIEF»


Конспект урока на тему:


Цели урока:

  1. Образовательная: формировать у учащихся интерес к культуре англо-язычных стран; дать общие сведения о Канаде, ее традициях и обычаях.

  2. Развивающая: развивать у учащихся память, воображение, логическое мышление ,способности к межкультурному взаимодействию.

  3. Воспитательная: воспитывать толерантность к иноязычной культуре, создавать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению языка.

Оборудование: компьютерный класс, презентация «Canada in Brief».

Тип урока:

лекция с опорой на презентацию.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент.

Т.Good morning , class! Today we are going to «discover» Canada , its customs and traditions and more… The topic of our lesson is «Canada in Brief». Our virtual tour consists of 7 steps.

II. Warming Up .

Stephen Leacock , a well-known Canadian humorist once wrote that life in Canada consisted of preparing for winter, enduring winter and recovering from winter. In fact Canada is a very cold place with long winter. In the northern islands it is often cold even in summer.

T. We begin with questions.

  • What do you know about this country?

  • Where is Canada situated?

  • What kind of state is Canada?

  • What is the capital of this country?

  • What languages are spoken in Canada?

  • What are the natural resources of Canada?

  • What is the national tree of Canada?

  • What sport is the most popular in Canada?

I hope you will answer all these questions at the end of our lesson.

III. Follow Up

Slides 1-2 You can see the flag of Canada and the Coat of Arms. The national symbols of Canada are the maple leaf and the beaver.

And now you will listen to the national anthem of Canada.

Slides 4-5. Now some facts about the history of the country . The Vikings discovered Canada more than a thousand years ago, but it was re-discovered by Europeans only in the 15th century. The French occupied large parts of the territory in the 16th century .They were followed by the English, who captured most of Canada from the French in the wars of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Now it is a self-governing member of the British Commonwealth .

Canada is the second largest country in the world. It covers more than one third of North America. Canada occupies a number of islands, the biggest of which are Vancouver in the west; Nova Scotia and Newfoundland in the east and the Victoria and Baffin Islands in the north.

The Canadians celebrate Independence Day on the 1st of July.

Slides №6, 14

. What mountain ranges are there in Canada?

What Canadian cities do you know ?

T. Canada spreads from the Atlantic right across the prairies and the Rocky Mountains to British Columbia. It is a land of thick forests, green valleys, and huge grasslands. Canada’s great resource is its forests, which cover about 2/3 of its lands. Canada’s rivers are another valuable resource. Canada has lakes more than any other country.

Though Canada has a large area, it has few people .

Slides № 7, 8

About 77% of the Canadians live in cities or towns.

Toronto and Montreal are the largest urban


Toronto is the largest city in Canada. If you

Ever go there , you will see one of the

World’s tallest buildings, the CN Tower.

Toronto is the country’s business centre and

home to the largest companies and banks.

Montreal’s geography is fascinating.

Montrealers enjoy life on the St. Lawrence

River. It’s a friendly, romantic place where couples kiss on the street and strangers talk to each other.

Slides №11-13 T. Try to guess what festivals are held in Canada. Canadians celebrate different festivals . Today, there are maple syrup festivals all over Canada.

It is held in spring.

Calgary Stampede was born, celebrating the skills of the cowboy-roping, riding, steer wrestling and chuck- wagon driving- and all things western.

Tulip festival is held every spring. And tulips can be seen everywhere in Canada.

Slides № 9, 10 T. What natural wonders of the world do you know ?

One of the fascinating places in North America is the Niagara Falls. At more than 900 meters wide and about 60 meters feet at their highest point.

Slide №15. Elk Island National Park of Canada

Located less than an hour away from Edmonton, Elk Island National Park of Canada protects the wilderness of the aspen parkland. This beautiful oasis is home to

herbs of free roaming plains bison, moose (американский лось), wood bison, deer, and elk. The park is a bird watcher’s paradise.

Jasper is the largest and most northerly Canadian rocky mountain national par

Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada is home to sand dunes, beaches, cliffs, and forests. It protects dune formations, rare plants and animals.

Slides № 16-17

T. And at the end of our tour let’s check your knowledge about Canada.

Answer these questions.

IV. Итоги урока

Our lesson is coming to the end and I am sure you will answer all the questions about Canada. Thank you for participating in the activities.

V. Your homework


И. Белов Speak Out № 1-2 2009

М. Гарибяр 2 2003

Peter Green Spotlight № 11 2000

Inez Sharp Spotlight № 5 2009

Margaret Davis Spotlight № 1 2004

Методическая мозаика № 4 М. 2007(27-28)

www.pc.ca/pnnp/pe/peiipe/index_E.asp; 04.05.09. 12.00

Шалаева О.А.

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